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An anonymous person 2019-05-16 Thu 19:20:18-07 wrote:


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yam5uK6e-bQ The Cranberries - Dreams

An anonymous person 2019-05-16 Thu 19:18:07-07 wrote:


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v45F0YesdZM Kiss Me - There She Goes

An anonymous person 2019-05-16 Thu 19:17:19-07 wrote:


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NI6aOFI7hms The Cardigans - Lovefool

An anonymous person 2019-05-14 Tue 11:32:14-07 wrote:


''dido . . the day before the day . . here with me . . don't leave home . . end of night . . some kind of love . . don't believe in love . . thank you . . white flag . . give you up . . life for rent . . no freedom ''the cranberries . . when you're gone . . linger ''kylie minogue . . come into my world ''keane . . somewhere only we know ''natalie imbruglia . . shiver . . torn ''savage garden . . I knew I loved you ''evanescence . . my immortal ''gwen stefani

An anonymous person 2019-05-09 Thu 19:40:54-07 wrote:


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OpeGiowN-mI 赤的疑惑主題曲 -衷心地感你

An anonymous person 2019-05-09 Thu 19:40:36-07 wrote:


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mc5oCLwsB8c 海伯之歌 子連れ狼 帶子狼

An anonymous person 2019-05-09 Thu 19:40:21-07 wrote:


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vp7FsrTb2Ak 日本 懷舊 アニメ 小甜甜 叮噹 飄零燕 Q太郎 IQ博士 plus 幪面超人 小露寶

An anonymous person 2019-05-09 Thu 19:40:04-07 wrote:


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l8E6XIxmyZQ 70's日劇 排球女将 1964東洋の魔女

An anonymous person 2019-05-09 Thu 19:39:48-07 wrote:


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sh7Ecvmk-Uo 姿三四郎 主题歌

An anonymous person 2019-05-08 Wed 17:36:54-07 wrote:


姿三四郎主題歌。日本懷舊 小甜甜 叮噹。日劇排球女將。海伯之歌帶子狼 五輪真弓 近藤真彥

An anonymous person 2019-04-30 Tue 12:49:09-07 wrote:


https://www.npr.org/sections/money/2019/04/30/718348115/is-buying-a-house-overrated . . . Is Buying A House Overrated? April 30, 20196:31 AM ET

An anonymous person 2019-04-29 Mon 12:20:14-07 wrote:


https://www.npr.org/2012/07/16/156736915/call-me-maybe-when-your-school-loan-is-paid-in-full Call Me Maybe When Your School Loan Is Paid In Full July 16, 20124:09 PM ET

An anonymous person 2019-04-23 Tue 12:18:44-07 wrote:


https://www.npr.org/2014/11/19/362802610/for-millions-of-millennials-some-college-no-degree-lots-of-debt . . . For Millions Of Millennials: Some College, No Degree, Lots Of Debt November 19, 20144:27 PM ET

An anonymous person 2019-04-23 Tue 12:18:04-07 wrote:


https://www.npr.org/2019/02/01/689660957/heavy-student-loan-debt-forces-many-millennials-to-delay-buying-homes . . . Heavy Student Loan Debt Forces Many Millennials To Delay Buying Homes . . .

An anonymous person 2019-04-23 Tue 12:16:55-07 wrote:


https://www.npr.org/2018/10/21/654426576/cant-find-an-affordable-home-try-living-in-a-pod . . . Can't Find An Affordable Home? Try Living In A Pod

An anonymous person 2019-04-23 Tue 12:14:59-07 wrote:


https://www.npr.org/2019/04/23/715107132/the-affluent-homeless-a-sleeping-pod-a-hired-desk-and-a-handful-of-clothes . . . The Affluent Homeless: A Sleeping Pod, A Hired Desk And A Handful Of Clothes April 23, 201911:02 AM ET . . . here are two big reasons for this shift: the price of housing and student loan debt. A little more than a third of millennials currently own homes, a rate lower than Generation X and baby boomers when they were the same age.

An anonymous person 2019-03-12 Tue 09:34:39-07 wrote:


https://www.npr.org/2019/03/12/702539140/u-s-accuses-actresses-others-of-fraud-in-wide-college-admissions-scandal . . . U.S. Accuses Actresses, Others Of Fraud In Massive College Admissions Scandal . . . Lelling says 33 parents "paid enormous sums" to ensure their children got into schools such as Yale, sending money to a man named William Singer for faking records and obtaining false scores on important tests such as the SAT and ACT. "Singer's clients paid him anywhere between $200,000 and $6.5 million for this service." In most cases, he added, the parents paid between $250,000 and $450,000 per student. "These parents are a catalog of wealth and privilege," Lelling said. "They include, for example, CEOs of private and public companies, successful securities and real estate investors, two well-known actresses, a famous fashion designer, and the co-chairman of a global law firm."

An anonymous person 2018-05-11 Fri 23:19:02-07 wrote:


http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-44088033 ... Why Starbucks faces toilet trouble . . . 2018/5/11 . . . "This is something we all have in common. This is part of the human condition. This is a basic human need that needs to be addressed for people without any other alternative." In 2017, Los Angeles opened a hygiene centre in the Skid Row neighbourhood, offering toilets and showers for more than 34,000 homeless people. The $450,000 facilities are guarded by security personnel and have a maintenance crew.

An anonymous person 2018-04-28 Sat 20:18:03-07 wrote:


https://www.npr.org/2018/04/28/603678259/10-years-after-housing-crisis-a-realtor-a-renter-starting-over-staying-put . . . 10 Years After Housing Crisis: A Realtor, A Renter, Starting Over, Staying Put . . . 4/28/2018 . . . https://www.npr.org/2018/04/17/601925433/a-decade-after-the-bubble-burst-house-flipping-is-on-the-rise . . . A Decade After The Bubble Burst, House Flipping Is On The Rise . . . 4/17/2018 . . . https://www.npr.org/2014/06/29/326571381/housing-market-fake-outs-stump-economists . . . Housing Market Fake-Outs Stump Economists . . . Jun 29, 2014 . . . . https://www.npr.org/2016/05/22/479038232/a-decade-out-from-the-mortgage-crisis-former-homeowners-still-grasp-for-stabilit . . . A Decade Out From The Mortgage Crisis, Former Homeowners Still Grasp For Stability . . . https://www.npr.org/sections/ed/2017/05/14/525569408/cant-pay-your-student-loans-the-government-may-come-after-your-house . . . Can't Pay Your Student Loans? The Government May Come After Your House 5/14/2017

An anonymous person 2018-04-20 Fri 12:24:40-07 wrote:


https://www.npr.org/2018/04/20/604291821/major-earthquake-on-bay-area-fault-could-kill-800-people-usgs-predicts . . . . Major Earthquake On Bay Area Fault Could Kill 800 People, USGS Predicts . . . . April 20, 201810:36 AM ET . . . "The last one was 150 years ago, and the average return time or repeat time for these 12 earthquakes is 150 to 160 years," he says. "So when we play these kind of average math games, we are right there." The USGS simulated a 7.0 magnitude earthquake on the Hayward Fault, which runs up and down the East Bay Area through Berkeley, Oakland, Hayward, Fremont and Milpitas. The results show that an earthquake of that scale could kill up to 800 people and cause more than $100 billion in total damage. California Town Fixes Crooked Curb, Breaks Geologists' Hearts THE TWO-WAY California Town Fixes Crooked Curb, Breaks Geologists' Hearts The report also found that a quake of that size could ignite up to 400 fires in the Bay Area that would destroy the equivalent of 52,000 single-family homes. Old pipes in the underground sewer system would very likely rupture, cutting off access to water for firefighters and residents.

An anonymous person 2018-04-09 Mon 14:12:12-07 wrote:


https://www.npr.org/sections/alltechconsidered/2018/04/04/598888803/the-paris-lawyer-who-gives-google-nightmares . . . The Paris Lawyer Who Gives Google Nightmares . . . April 4, 2018 . . . In 2013, Shefet had a plain-vanilla legal practice. He wrote employment contracts and analyzed intellectual property claims. That all changed, he says, when a client's vengeful enemy took to the Internet and created websites that attacked Shefet — claiming he was a member of the Serbian mafia. The claim was so ludicrous that Shefet shrugged it off. But the pages quickly rose to the top of his Google search results. Some colleagues began to question Shefet openly, and he realized he couldn't ignore it anymore. He felt his reputation and his career might unravel. Shefet obtained an order from a French court directing Google to stop highlighting the defamatory sites in search results for his name. He hired a courier to serve the injunction at Google's headquarters in Mountain View, Calif. But nothing happened, he says. Google's lawyers ignored it. "The pinnacle of arrogance is indifference," Shefet says. "They simply couldn't care less ... not even a bot response."

An anonymous person 2018-04-09 Mon 14:06:15-07 wrote:


https://www.npr.org/sections/alltechconsidered/2018/04/09/600140471/tech-executives-say-were-so-sorry . . . 4/9/2018 . . . But Chaslot says he noticed the main goal at YouTube wasn't to inform people; it was to keep people watching videos for as long as possible. "This goal has some very bad side effects and I started to notice the side effect as I worked at YouTube," he says. Among the side effects he noticed: People tended to get only one point of view on a topic — and not always the right one. For example, a search for "moon landing" might bring up videos from conspiracy theorists arguing that NASA faked the whole event. Chaslot tried to create an algorithm that would show people different points of view. But, he says, his bosses weren't interested.

An anonymous person 2018-04-06 Fri 07:48:15-07 wrote:


https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2018/04/05/599770568/facebooks-sheryl-sandberg-on-data-privacy-fail-we-were-way-too-idealistic . . . April 5, 20189:51 PM ET . . . "We really believed in social experiences. We really believed in protecting privacy. But we were way too idealistic. We did not think enough about the abuse cases," she said.

An anonymous person 2018-04-01 Sun 09:48:03-07 wrote:


https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/animalia/wp/2018/04/01/a-shark-bumped-a-hawaii-man-off-a-stand-up-paddleboard-then-attacked/ . . . A shark bumped a Hawaii man off a stand-up paddleboard, then attacked . . . 2018/4/1 . . . In the water, they found “a male individual who had been bumped off his paddle board about 100 to 150 yards offshore,” Fire Capt. Michael Grace told Honolulu Fox affiliate KHON. “They recovered him from the ocean. He had injuries to his right-side extremities.” Authorities have not identified the man. They said he is a 25-year-old resident of the community at Kukio Golf and Beach Club and had been out paddleboarding with his father. Father and son told rescuers that a shark had bumped the younger man’s board, then tore into him after he lost his balance and fell.

An anonymous person 2018-03-31 Sat 23:02:41-07 wrote:


https://www.livescience.com/62187-what-is-a-blue-moon.html . . . What Is a Blue Moon, Anyway . . . We have a blue moon on 3/31/2018 . . . Enjoy tonight's spectacle, because the next Blue Moon won't happen until Oct. 31, 2020.

An anonymous person 2018-03-31 Sat 22:21:30-07 wrote:


https://www.npr.org/2018/03/31/598484688/kentucky-lawmakers-limit-black-lung-claims-reviews-despite-epidemic . . . Kentucky Lawmakers Limit Black Lung Claims Reviews Despite Epidemic . . . . March 31, 20189:58 AM ET . . . . Among the radiologists excluded by the law is Dr. Brandon Crum, who helped expose the biggest clusters ever documented of complicated black lung, the advanced stage of the fatal disease that strikes coal miners.

An anonymous person 2018-03-31 Sat 22:17:39-07 wrote:


https://www.npr.org/sections/parallels/2018/03/30/593979013/in-denmark-s-plan-to-rid-country-of-ghettos-some-immigrants-hear-go-home . . . In Denmark's Plan To Rid Country Of 'Ghettos,' Some Immigrants Hear 'Go Home' . . . March 30, 20184:26 PM ET

An anonymous person 2017-10-06 Fri 20:45:04-07 wrote:


http://www.nzherald.co.nz/lifestyle/news/article.cfm?c_id=6&objectid=11930610 . . . . Angelina Jolie's doctor shares her tips to prevent breast cancer . . . Dr Funk's top 10 tips to prevent breast cancer . . . 1. Eat cruciferous vegetables every day Consuming cauliflower, broccoli, kale, cabbage and brussels sprouts have powerful anti-cancer preventing properties . . . 2. Consume antioxidant-rich berries Blueberries, strawberries, raspberries and blackberries are all rich in antioxidants. . . . 3. Add turmeric to meals or smoothies . . . 4. Eat Indian Gooseberry Often sold as 'AMLA powder,' Indian Gooseberry has the highest concentration of antioxidants on earth . . . 5. Go mad for mushrooms Button mushrooms are a great source of nutrients when it comes to breast cancer prevention. 6. Add more soya to your diet For years, doctors, including herself admitted Dr Funk, told breast cancer patients to avoid soya. However, since 2009, newer studies have shown benefits of soya products, including tempeh, tofu, edamame and soy milk. 7. Use regular bar soaps The doctor recommends using old-fashioned bar soap instead of antibacterial soap can lessen the risk of toxins you are exposed to. 8. Buy organic fruit Dr Funk recommends eating organic produce as often as you can. She said this is especially important with fruit or vegetables you consume with the skin on as it may have absorbed toxins. 9. Dust and vacuum your home regularly Dusting and vacuuming is a great way to lessen the number of toxins in the air, according to Funk. 10. Fill your home with household plants Many house plants naturally absorb toxins, Funk said.

An anonymous person 2017-07-30 Sun 10:22:58-07 wrote:


https://www.theatlantic.com/photo/2017/05/the-coffin-homes-of-hong-kong/526881/ . . . The 'Coffin Homes' of Hong Kong ALAN TAYLOR MAY 16, 2017 17 PHOTOS IN FOCUS Associated Press photographer Kin Cheung spent time recently photographing some of the tiny subdivided housing units in Hong Kong, known as “coffin homes,” and those who live in them. Cheung reports that there is a “dark side to the property boom in wealthy Hong Kong, where hundreds of thousands of people priced out of the market must live in partitioned apartments, ‘coffin homes’ and other inadequate housing.” These residents are among an estimated 200,000 people in Hong Kong living in such tiny subdivided units, some so small that a person cannot even fully stretch out their legs. . . . . http://www.nationalgeographic.com/photography/proof/2017/07/hong-kong-living-trapped-lam-photos/ . . . Life Inside Hong Kong’s ‘Coffin Cubicles’ . . . https://www.theguardian.com/cities/gallery/2017/jun/07/boxed-life-inside-hong-kong-coffin-cubicles-cage-homes-in-pictures . . .

An anonymous person 2017-07-22 Sat 10:20:05-07 wrote:


http://www.npr.org/2017/07/17/537750774/is-your-boss-too-controlling-many-employees-clash-with-micromanagers . . . Is Your Boss Too Controlling? Many Employees Clash With Micromanagers . . . Bell says the micromanagement was systemic. Her employer offered a $500 monthly bonus that rewarded co-workers for micromanaging each other. "If you came in five minutes late, if you left early, if you took a little bit longer at lunch, whoever reported you would get an accountability award," she says.

An anonymous person 2017-07-22 Sat 10:12:03-07 wrote:


http://www.npr.org/2017/07/22/538592692/keep-detailed-records-of-every-minute-and-other-micromanager-horror-stories . . . 'Keep Detailed Records Of Every Minute' And Other Micromanager Horror Stories . . . Lindsey Dorsett-Golberg says she is scared to criticize any of her employees. "If I said ANYTHING to a couple of my employees about coming in 30 [minutes] late EVERY DAY or spending half their day looking at their cellphones or only completing about 70 percent of their work they would aggressively FREAK OUT ..." she says. "It makes me nervous to say anything to my new employees now. Then I read this stuff and have to check my anxiety. I could be a terrible boss like the ones you're mentioning!!!!!" Leigh Ulrich says, "It hurts morale when an employee routinely comes in late or leaves early with no oversight. That said, asking their co-workers to police the problem behavior is both unprofessional and fosters a toxic work environment." Michael Dunn adds, "Holding people accountable for being late is not micromanagement. Getting to work on time is called respecting your coworkers."

An anonymous person 2017-02-03 Fri 21:59:34-08 wrote:


http://www.npr.org/sections/13.7/2017/02/03/513003105/why-do-many-think-human-blood-is-sometimes-blue . . . Why Do Many Think Human Blood Is Sometimes Blue? . . . February 3, 201711:38 AM ET . . . This isn't because it isn't really red, but rather because its redness is a macroscopic feature. Human blood is red because hemoglobin, which is carried in the blood and functions to transport oxygen, is iron-rich and red in color. Octopuses and horseshoe crabs have blue blood. This is because the protein transporting oxygen in their blood, hemocyanin, is actually blue. .. . But our blood is red. It's bright red when the arteries carry it in its oxygen-rich state throughout the body. And it's still red, but darker now, when it rushes home to the heart through the veins.

An anonymous person 2016-03-22 Tue 08:03:47-07 wrote:


http://www.npr.org/sections/ed/2016/03/21/470563524/across-continents-a-stolen-laptop-an-ominous-email-and-a-big-risk . . . . Across Continents: A Stolen Laptop, An Ominous Email, And A Big Risk Updated March 21, 201612:11 PM ET . . . A Traveler’s Nightmare Ben Armstrong is walking down a dark street in a strange city. In his backpack: his laptop with his work, his photos, his whole life. . . . Two months later, Ben’s back home in the U.S. A suspicious email pops up. It says, “I have your computer and all of your documents.”

An anonymous person 2016-01-25 Mon 12:28:31-08 wrote:


http://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2016/01/25/464290769/a-look-at-egypts-uprising-5-years-later One of Egypt's best-known activists, Alaa Abdel-Fattah, published a letter from a Cairo prison where he is serving a five-year sentence for protesting. "The only words I can write are about losing my words," he writes in The Guardian. He adds: "It has been months since I wrote a letter and more than a year since I've written an article. I have nothing to say: no hopes, no dreams, no fears, no warnings, no insights; nothing, absolutely nothing...I try to remember what it was like when tomorrow seemed so full of possibility and my words seemed to have the power to influence (if only slightly) what that tomorrow would look like. "I can't really remember that. Now tomorrow will be exactly like today and yesterday and all the days preceding and all the days following, I have no influence over anything. "But one thing I do remember, one thing I know: the sense of possibility was real. It may have been naive to believe our dream could come true, but it was not foolish to believe that another world was possible. It really was. Or at least that's how I remember it."

An anonymous person 2016-01-21 Thu 19:01:36-08 wrote:


'Our mouths were ajar': Doctor's fight to expose Flint's water crisis By Sanjay Gupta, Ben Tinker and Tim Hume, CNN Updated Thu January 21, 2016 "We were attacked," Hanna-Attisha recalls. She was labeled an "unfortunate researcher" and accused of causing hysteria. Critics said her figures did not line up with the state's findings. Even though General Motors stopped using the city's water supply because it was corroding engine parts, the official reaction, Hanna-Attisha says, was one of "denial, denial, denial." The criticism, she says, took its toll. "I was physically ill. I think my heart rate went up to 200. You know, you check and you double-check, and you know your research is right. The numbers didn't lie, but when the state is telling you you're wrong, it's hard not to second-guess yourself." A turning point came, however, through a conversation with a state health official who reached out, asking how she had come to her findings. "They re-looked at their data and found, 'You know what? Our findings are consistent with your findings,' " she says.

An anonymous person 2016-01-20 Wed 21:12:49-08 wrote:


Germany's justice minister and Europe's industry boss raised the pressure on Volkswagen to compensate European consumers as well as U.S. drivers for its diesel emissions scandal, potentially adding to a hefty bill. Volkswagen has been mired in scandal since September when it admitted it had cheated U.S. tests by using software known as "defeat devices" to mask nitrogen oxide emissions. In the United States, Volkswagen Group of America has promised goodwill compensation worth $1,000 each to tens of thousands of vehicle owners. But in Europe, VW officials have said they will repair vehicles to remove illegal software, but have no plans to pay consumers compensation, arguing they have suffered no loss.

An anonymous person 2016-01-20 Wed 21:07:09-08 wrote:


Last July, after more than a year of public complaints about the drinking water in Flint, Michigan—water so pungent and foamy that a local pastor had stopped using it for baptisms—reporters were calling the state’s Department of Environmental Quality. The response from the department was of limited urgency. In an internal e-mail to colleagues, a spokeswoman, Karen Tommasulo, wrote, “Apparently it’s going to be a thing now.” The D.E.Q. tried to stop the water from becoming a thing, partly by downplaying concerns. A memo from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency warned that the city’s use of a new water source was exposing the public to unsafe levels of lead, but Brad Wurfel, the.department’s lead spokesperson, told a reporter, “Let me start here—anyone who is concerned about lead in the drinking water in Flint can relax.” Even after a group of Virginia Tech researchers found unsafe levels of lead, Wurfel disputed the importance of the findings because, he wrote, the group “specializes in looking for high lead problems. They pull that rabbit out of that hat everywhere they go.” He added that “dire public health advice based on some quick testing could be seen as fanning political flames irresponsibly. Residents of Flint concerned about the health of their community don’t need more of that.”
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